Elmer's Adventure: My Father's Dragon Is Finished (2025)

1. My Father's Dragon - Hopeful Homemaker

  • Sep 4, 2010 · Last night we finished My Father's Dragon, and we're beginning Elmer and the Dragon tonight. So many of the best children's books end up ...

  • For family read alouds, I’m working my way back through chapter books that I read to my oldest children a few years ago.  Looking at our family dynamics, I realize I’ll get to to this again in a few years for my youngest ones.  The thought makes me almost giddy.  It’s an unexpected blessing for having a large family.  I [...]

My Father's Dragon - Hopeful Homemaker

2. The My Father's Dragon Series by Ruth Stiles Gannett | Cereal Readers

  • In the third and final story, Elmer helps the baby dragon return home to Blueland. Note: This series is also available in a single volume, titled, 'Three Tales ...

  • Find great kids books in series using unique and insightful searches. Search by reading level, interests, book trailers and more! Encourage reluctant and avid readers alike.

3. My Father's Dragon - Dragon Crossing - WordPress.com

  • Missing: finished | Show results with:finished

  • When my sister and I were small, we loved nightly bedtime stories with Daddy. He spent many a night on books like The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, or others from his own childhood favorites. O…

My Father's Dragon - Dragon Crossing - WordPress.com

4. My Father's Dragon (2022 film) | JH Wiki Collection Wiki - Fandom

My Father's Dragon (2022 film) | JH Wiki Collection Wiki - Fandom

5. 'My Father's Dragon' is a masterclass in forgettable - The Michigan Daily

  • Nov 22, 2022 · The book is a step-by-step recap of Elmer's journey to save Boris, who only appears in the last three pages. The film brings Elmer and Boris ...

  • Attempting to adapt a beloved children’s book for the silver screen, LeFauve’s latest screenplay instead delivers a heartless adventure film.

'My Father's Dragon' is a masterclass in forgettable - The Michigan Daily

6. [PDF] My Father's Dragon Study Guide - Lebanon Opera House

  • The story ends with Elmer releasing Boris from his bonds and Elmer and Boris flying away to safety. Elmer and the Dragon picks up at the end of My Father's ...

7. Movie review: 'My Father's Dragon' (2022) - Flayrah

  • Missing: finished | Show results with:finished

  • My Father's Dragon is a 2D animated children's fantasy film, the latest from Cartoon Saloon, directed by Nora Twomey. The studio kept an amazingly tight lid on this 99-minute production, with its trailer only becoming available five weeks before the film was released on Netflix. I'm very glad this project didn't get cancelled, what with partially being made during the Covid pandemic.

Movie review: 'My Father's Dragon' (2022) - Flayrah

8. Movie Alert: 'My Father's Dragon' - Publishers Weekly

  • Nov 22, 2022 · There he discovers that the dragon, Boris, is held captive and must keep the island from sinking. Elmer and Boris then decide to make an ...

  • 'My Father's Dragon,' inspired by the 1948 children's novel of the same name by Ruth Stiles Gannett, is now streaming on Netflix.

Movie Alert: 'My Father's Dragon' - Publishers Weekly

9. My Father's Dragon Trilogy, “The Skies the Limit” | kidsbook friends

  • Missing: finished | Show results with:finished

  • Photo: stackingbooks.com I can not think of  better stories for our journey-themed-summer than Ruth Stiles Gannet’s trilogy, The Three Tales of My Father’s Dragon. Rescuing and flying o…

My Father's Dragon Trilogy, “The Skies the Limit” | kidsbook friends

10. My Father's Dragon - The Paramount Theater of Charlottesville

  • Missing: finished | Show results with:finished

  • Enchantment Theatre Company

My Father's Dragon - The Paramount Theater of Charlottesville

11. My Father's Dragon Summary and Study Guide - SuperSummary

  • In Ruth Stiles Gannett's classic children's adventure, My Father's Dragon (1948), nine-year-old Elmer Elevator runs away to rescue a baby dragon held captive by ...

  • Get ready to explore My Father's Dragon and its meaning. Our full analysis and study guide provides an even deeper dive with character analysis and quotes explained to help you discover the complexity and beauty of this book.

My Father's Dragon Summary and Study Guide - SuperSummary

12. “Three Tales of My Father's Dragon” Series - Books - Plugged In

  • Elmer Elevator stows away on a boat to Wild Island to find an abused baby dragon. He distracts various animals and rescues the captive. They fly to safety.

“Three Tales of My Father's Dragon” Series - Books - Plugged In

13. My Father's Dragon | James Patterson Kids

  • Elmer Elevator braves Wild Island to save an overworked baby dragon in Ruth Gannett's clever and humorous 1948 adventure.

  • CRITICS HAVE SAID Here is a real delight–a nonsense tale in which the ingenuity of the humor and the logic of the nonsense are irresistible.. –The New Yorker IF YOU LOVE THIS BOOK, THEN…

My Father's Dragon | James Patterson Kids
Elmer's Adventure: My Father's Dragon Is Finished (2025)


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.